Sunday, December 12, 2010

3rd Sunday in Advent

Today is the 3rd Sunday in Advent.  Which means Christmas is quickly approaching.

We enjoyed celebrating Hanukah with our neighbors last week.  It was a real pleasure to enter their home and family and tradition to celebrate their tradition.  

Eloise is going to be Mary in the Preschool pageant.  Oh geez.  Alex and I groaned.  Might this have anything to do with the fact that she's the pastor's kid?  Or that her mom is the pageant chair?  I hope our pastor kids aren't doomed.  How many times do you think one of our daughters will be Mary in the pageant?  Count this as 1.

Eloise was really pleased about it until she saw the angel costume.  I think she's jealous of the tinsel.  And blue is not her favorite color.  I just hope she puts the costume on and goes on stage on Friday and has a heck of a lot of fun.

We had a churcherific day.  I worked up at sweat at Kid's Church.  It was fun but it brought back some very real memories of teaching Spanish in Pittsburgh to K-6.  Pure exhaustion and in desperate need for some classroom management.  Yes, kids are super hyper at 9am on Sunday morning.  

Then we headed out to a luncheon with some older church members.  The girls were on their bestest behavior which was a huge relief.  I have finished the pageant costumes, packed up my presents to mail, and even checked my calendar.  I really hope not to repeat last week's Monday.  

I hope we all have a wonderful Monday.

1 comment:

Dorry said...

Sounds so productive! I hope your week is off to a great start. Can't wait to see pics when Eloise plays Mary. :)