Monday, May 31, 2010

Lessons From Preschoolers

Some call it nagging.  It might even be considered whining.  But for this nice and neat blog post, it'll be named PERSISTENCE.

And this little girl has a lot of it!  Especially when cotton candy is involved.  Repeating the same phrase over and over again, can wear me down.

While I think of it as a negative when I'm on the receiving end, I'm looking at it from her point of view today.  Because being persistent in your dreams in life (cotton candy, grad school, job promotion, American Idol, potty training, sleeping through the night) can (sometimes) get us where we want to go.

So as I continue to wrestle with the insurance company over charges for Cordelia's birth (11/7/09, ahem), I will draw upon my Preschooler's persistence.  And maybe, just maybe, we'll get this claim (my money) figured out.  I will not give up.

Thank you, Eloise, for this valuable lesson in life.

Do you want to see my Preschooler's other lessons?  She's such a bright little bug: see here, here, and here.


Emily said...

What a great lesson and absolutely GORGEOUS photographs!

Mrs. Miller said...

I thought the last picture might have been Eloise with cotton candy... ;-D

Alex and Emily said...

Brooke, that would have been cute, wouldn't? I bet you have lots of preschool lessons to share as well. If nothing else, they teach you patience, right?