Wednesday, September 1, 2010


So you've ooohhhed and aaahhhed over my precious Cordelia and my amazing photography skills.  And that makes me feel so good inside.  (Maybe that's the real reason I blog.  I love all the positive feed back.  Who wouldn't?)

But that's not really how it looks around here.  (Well at least, all the time. :-)

Here are some of the behind the scenes.  Unedited.

Oh, there's someone familiar.

Taking over.

And conquering the chair.

Then deserts to hit a tree with a stick.

I put Cordelia back in the chair.

Smile, please!

Pretty, please?!

It's always amazing I get anything done around here with so many variables moving parts  ... with a 3 year old, isn't?

This post has been dedicated to all those who parent 3 year olds today.  And got anything done.


Wiley said...

I think I might ohh over the outtakes more. Having had the most impressive three-year-old, or frankly any age, meltdown moment on Monday, I like seeing life.

Alex and Emily said...

Wiley, you are so right!

gwen said...

I didn't vote which to hang in the first set of pictures because I couldn't choose one favorite. But, now, I think you should hang these; they make me laugh!

Dorry said...

I love this "behind the scenes" view! I wish I could come spend a day with the Large ladies. :)

Molly said...

not only did elo take over, she took over in her purple dora pjs. basically she came dressed to go on an adventure and conquer the world. Cheers to Eloise!

catherine said...

I feel you. I have been trying to pack for the weekend and it still isn't done because of my three year old and two year old. Thanks for sharing the pictures I love them.

Anonymous said...

hahah awesome. I heart outtakes. Like bloopers. It's reality! :) And it's endearing.