Do you ever do something, maybe even do it repeatedly, and always hate it in the end?
Like eat 2 cupcakes after dinner, feel sick, then regret it? You think, why couldn't I just eat 1?
Or, say a sarcastic remark in an uncomfortable situation to deflect attention and then wonder why you couldn't have been more serious/kind/or comforting?
Or, go out too late, drink too much, forget most the night, promise to never do that again and the next weekend end up at the same bar with the same people regreting the same thing all over again?
Cordelia understands. :-) (And me too.)
She keeps rolling from her back to her tummy and getting very upset. It's almost instinctual. Ever since she learned this new roll move a few days ago, she keeps repeating it, almost immediately after placing her on her back. She rolls over and over again, and hates it!
Why do you keep doing it, Cordelia? Why can't you just stop? Because seriously, this is getting a little annoying for me.
But then again, you probably know. Sometimes we do the things we don't want to do because we are not in as much control as we like to think. The Apostle Paul understood too. (Thanks Paul.)
"For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do-- this I keep on doing. . . What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God-- through Jesus Christ our Lord!" Romans 7:19, 24-25
There is hope!
February 15-21
19 hours ago
My favorite serious thought provoking post of all blogs and all times! I hope that will come up in a Bible study or somewhere because it definitely needs a rerun.
Great post, Emily. What a gracious and patient Father we have! All glory be to Him.
That's so funny! Jack does the same thing. He HATES being on his tummy, so when he rolls over he's proud for about 2 seconds and then realizes he's face down and freaks out.
Love your blog, Emily! I stalk it all the time but haven't commented before. Hope y'all are doing well!
Heather Baker
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