Monday, April 5, 2010

Not Me Monday

Another Not Me Monday at MckMama's.  Check out with others are NOT doing, wink wink, by clicking the button below.

I am NOT exhausted.  And I am NOT secretly glad that Easter is over.  I know, it's just down right awful.

About 40% of me had a fabulous Easter celebration.  The day was almost perfect.  Aunt Molly is here to help.  The Easter bunny came, the girls looked beautiful, we got to church early, the pews were packed. Our friends hosted a gorgeous brunch following church, the cherry blossom in the backyard was snowing petals, and we all played and ate to our hearts content.  We came home, napped, and then gardened.  It was a perfect day, and I wish I was writing an eloquent Easter post like my friend MOXIE.

The truth is, I'm NOT glad it's Monday, the day after Easter.   Because Alex has the day off.  And we are lounging in our pajamas.  Eating breakfast together and resting.  We need lots of rest.  Because, remember, I'm NOT exhausted.  Cordelia is NOT waking up 3 times a night, screaming at the top of her lungs.  She's mad she's awake, and we're mad she's awake.

Maybe this is just the way it is in a clergy family.  Sometimes we celebrate our holidays after the fact.  Like December 26 is a beautiful day, much nicer than the 23, 24, 25, in my opinion.

It doesn't mean the resurrection of Jesus is less important, it's just that we celebrate it on a different calendar day.  Yesterday I celebrated it with 40% of my being with the church and our friends while being 60% exhausted.  Today, I hope to celebrate the other 60% in the quiet of my house and with my family.  And I'll only be 40% exhausted.

Happy Easter Monday!  And let's get some rest.


Camie said...

Hmmm...I like your logic! Happy Easter and happy Monday!


Jenilee said...

I completely understand what you are saying! I can say I feel much the same way!

Anonymous said...

Boy do I agree. There is nothing so holy as ordinary time.