Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving Week

I'm having fun taking pictures of my girls these days. I'm playing more with my camera. I'm re-reading my manual to pick up some tips. So enjoy the fruit of my photo taking trials.

Thanksgiving Day--First the zoo with the Lamberts and then a wonderful feast. Thanks Nancy for the wonderful meal!

The day after Thanksgiving--we're ready for Christmas!

Having a blast with the grandparents. The girls are in Heaven!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

From the week

Eloise has had a lot of "Daddy time" now that Cordelia is home and requires so much attention. They are both really enjoying their special time together.

Gigi helped us plant pansies. It was a fun activity that Eloise loved on a sunny day. Thanks Gigi for your gardening expertise!

Eloise bonding with Cordelia. Eloise likes to play "baby" and act like Cordelia. She's also thrilled when Cordelia looks at her or touches her or cries or really, does anything. She'll announce everything: "Mom!!!! Cordila (that's how she says it) moved!!!"

Thursday, November 19, 2009

What do you think?

I keep looking at Cordelia in awe. I waited so long to meet her, but I'm still not satisfied! I want to know all about her. What color will her hair be? Straight or curly? Are you going to stay this quiet forever? Are you going to be my daughter that likes to sit and color? Are you athletic or artistic? Do you like to be clean and orderly or dirty and chaotic? There's still so much to discover. Here's one attempt to defining what Cordelia might look like. Here she is compared to Eloise. (I'm already comparing them--how awful!)


The sleeping car seat view. (Note: Eloise is a month or so older than Cordelia here.)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Eyes Wide Open

Cordelia is changing every day. It's hard to get a photo of what she really looks like. Here are some photos of her with her eyes open which is a rare event. She's definitely sleepy!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

Cordelia Fae Large

We welcome little Cordelia Fae Large to our family with open arms! She is a delightful, healthy bundle. She was born at 7:06 am on November 7, 2009 weighing 7lbs 8oz and measuring 18.75 inches tall. She's eating like a champ, sleeping soundly, and has hardly shed a tear. We are in love!

The journey began after our labor inducing charm Gigi arrived to town on Thursday afternoon. We had a relaxing day Friday. Gigi watched Eloise Friday night so that we could go out to Lebanese Taverna and enjoy a long and wonderful meal together. We walked "down town" Bethesda and finished the night with the movie Away We Go. As we headed to bed at 11:30, the contractions started coming quick so we knew it was time.

We arrived in L&D at 1:30am and started the process. We walked the halls, watched Entertainment Tonight, and laughed about the movie we had just watched: "We are against the 3 "S"s: no separation, no sugar, and no strollers!" Best part of the movie! (Anyone seen it?) From 1:30-6 am the contractions were building but quite tolerable. At 5:30am I noted to Alex that I was starving but doubted I'd have this baby by breakfast. I was wrong!

Thankfully after "transitioning" at 6am, or hitting 7cm and entering the most painful part of labor, we took off. In just one hour, I went from painful contractions to having my baby. It was too fast for an epidural, and while I wasn't 100% set on a natural birth, I was happy to do it. Although the process was a wild rush that scared the daylights out of Alex and me, it was exhilarating.

The process of delivery took me over. My mind started channeling a variety of people and difficult situations in my life to get me through the contractions. For example, I visualized running sprints in high school soccer practice. Coach Oldham would even appear yelling "faster!" as we sprinted across Highlander stadium to the end where I could rest. I knew if I could just make it to the other side breathing then I could rest. The images were so real. All my teammates where running and panting beside me. The feel of 7am workouts, turf shoes, and the odor of throw-up from the football practice the night before were with me. I also visualized my grandmothers, great-grandmothers, and all the wonderful women who had gone before me and accomplished this. After I made it through each sprint of a contraction, I would literally pass out until the next one began.

I started pushing just after 7. Three fierce pushes and she was out.

Cordelia is a very quiet baby. She has hardly cried. She eats and sleeps like a champ. We can't decide what she'll look like. Some times I think she's a mini-Eloise, and other times she's very distinct. We are home now and feeling great. To celebrate we're having steak and wine tonight. Then I'm getting some sleep.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fall Fun Part 2

Still waiting on the baby to come. Raking didn't help. :-)

Another comparison. Eloise last year and this year. The Lambie costume has served us well.