I'm hoping to launch a children's lifestyle photography business in September. I'm building my portfolio and getting my ducks in order now.
I'm booking some special summer sessions. I'd love for you to do one for your family! Check out my new blogsite for details. http://emilylargephotography.com
Thanks to all my bloggy friends for all your support and encouragement. This blog and your friendships have been super important in this endeavor.
As you might have noticed, our blog has a virus. I've noticed other blogspots have the same thing. Do not click on any of the links in the comment portion of the blog. Sorry about that!
It isn't a virus. It is comment Spam. Since you're using blogger, Google filters out most of it, but that also means there also isn't much you can do about it.
I'd turn on comment moderation in your user preferences. That forces all comments to be approved by you before they are posted on the blog. You can also turn on word verification.
I'm aproud mommy to two beautiful girls. A lover of Tex-Mex, Law and Order (and Law and Gospel), and the outdoors. Sports of all kinds, adventure, and photography. A pastor's wife. And balancing it all while standing on my head. (Just kidding.)
I didn't realize blogs could get viruses, good to know.
Anyway, your winters are soo pretty!
It isn't a virus. It is comment Spam. Since you're using blogger, Google filters out most of it, but that also means there also isn't much you can do about it.
I'd turn on comment moderation in your user preferences. That forces all comments to be approved by you before they are posted on the blog. You can also turn on word verification.
oooh thanks Tim! Very helpful!
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